User Experience (UX) revamp increases Enrollment 110%
Retirement Financial Services partnered with Whereoware to launch 2 redesigned portals, and a mobile application - serving 1 million participants with over 9,000 retirement plans.
Check Out Our Results
Public-sector financial services organization that serves over 1 million participants with 9,000+ retirement plans
Financial services organization aimed to modernize their primary customer-facing web portals, after losing new business opportunities to outdated customer experience.

Intuitive and Visually Appealing Customer-Facing Portals
The Retirement Plan System portals needed to be reinvigorated to improve the customer experience.
An analysis of competitor portals and a cross-departmental workshop identified pain points— including navigation issues, taxonomy concerns, and visual inconsistency. Features and functions were on par with competitors, but the customer experience and visual impression felt outdated.
Based on audit results, we understood the organization’s greatest challenge: streamlining user access.
The architecture and updated design came together in an interactive prototype, which was used in testing sessions with various clients.

New Portal Design and UX
We delivered the front-end code for implementation across the targeted websites. With the aid of on-site collaboration, our developers created a phenomenal product and an educational environment for the technology team.
The legacy styles had to be stripped from the system — replaced by a modern, simplified structure. For the new experience to be successful, it was critical that the internal team understood the solution’s structure and how to maintain it in the future.
The Results:
In a short 8 months, we launched redesigns of two intuitive and effective Salesforce portals, one mobile application, and several important tools. The improvements quickly drove results:
- 110% increase in enrollments for their paid program
- Call center staff members encountered only 9 support cases (out of 1 million users) during the portal's successful launch week.
- Based on the flexibility of the new code, the client’s internal technology team can easily maintain the portals ongoing.