Cuisinart Email Campaigns Increase Revenue by 547%
Wins a Brand Experience Award (BEA), Platinum MarCom Award and Platinum DotComm Award.
Check Out Our Results
Cuisinart, a division of the Conair Corporation, is a market leader in culinary appliances, professional quality cookware, outdoor grilling, and kitchen accessories.
Drive online sales and brand loyalty through highly personalized digital marketing to prospective and existing customers.

Spotlight Email 1: AirFryer Campaign
Using hyper-relevant marketing personalization, audience segmentation, and targeted post-purchase messaging, we developed a dynamic email campaign featuring our popular AirFryer product line, with the following goals:
- Use compelling email content to encourage first-time purchases of an AirFryer model.
- Nurture and upsell existing owners to purchase parts and accessories for their AirFryer model, increasing customer lifetime value (CLV).
Every owner sees a personalized headline and hero displaying their exact purchased model and receives popular recipe recommendations and suggested accessories matching their model.
The targeted AirFryer Campaign achieved our highest open and click rates on record for one-off marketing emails.
- Drove 547% more revenue than the average one-off email campaign.
- Accounted for 77% of total sales generated from the email channel, for the month the campaign took place.
- Won a Brand Experience Award (BEA)
- Won a Platinum MarCom Award
- Won a Platinum DotComm Award
Spotlight Email 2: Welcome Campaign
Taking an integrated approach, Whereoware executed a Welcome promotional website popover to grow email signups.
They also added a new promotional Welcome email with an incentive to their existing Welcome program.
This two-pronged approach grew their prospect list, while motivating prospects to convert into customers.
Compared to the non-offer email, the promotional email generated:
- 92% higher revenue
- 1297% increase in the number of products purchased
- Won Platinum MarCom Award
- 54% increase in web email signups