Whereoware is proud to have senior industry experts guiding our clients to maximize the right technologies and strategies to achieve their goals. We’re recognizing our Sales Team leaders and sharing their thoughtful insight.
In this edition of Meet the Sales Team, we’re chatting with Digital Sales Executive Jeff Aaron.
How long have you been in sales?
Unbelievably, I've been in sales for 20 years. That's crazy to say, but it's true.
That entire time has been within the technology space, working with companies, helping them implement technology and align their people and processes with their business strategy.
It's been super fun.
How would you describe Whereoware?
Whereoware is a partner to brands, businesses, and organizations that are looking to do digital better.
What we're all about is being a great partner to our clients and helping them achieve their goals.
But, if I'm at an airport bar, and I run into someone who asks what I do, I typically say that I work for a digital agency, and we help businesses build effective websites and enable marketing teams with the proper technology and strategies for them to be most effective.
What is your approach to sales?
I really just try to help.
I try to offer advice and suggestions based on my experience that I think might possibly help the person I'm talking with.
In order for me to do that effectively, I need to understand first what is the main objective, or what is the key challenge that we're trying to overcome. So, I typically start conversations there.
What gets you most excited about your job?
I get excited by large-scale projects, ones that help bring massive change to an organization.
Those projects typically come with very high visibility and practically no margin for error.
When our team comes through and delivers, and clients come back appreciative and happy, it's pretty awesome.
How do you define ‘Mission Accomplished’?
Usually, the first marker comes at the completion or big milestone of a project - could be launching a website or getting a new campaign out the door.
I'd say really, the measuring stick comes when analytics start rolling in, and we can begin to quantify the impact we've had on the business.
Even then, it's still never mission accomplished. There's always room for improvement.
I take real pleasure when clients come back to me several months down the road, and thank me and the rest of the team for a job well done.
That has been really rewarding for me – and that's also usually when I hit them up for a referral.
Chat with Digital Sales Executive Jeff Aaron Today
Chat with Digital Sales Executive Jeff Aaron Today
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