Whereoware is proud to have senior industry experts guiding our clients to maximize the right technologies and strategies to achieve their goals. We’re recognizing our Senior Client Partner (CP) leaders and sharing their thoughtful insight.
In this edition of Meet the CP’s, we’re chatting with Chad Van Lier.
What do you do for Whereoware and what makes your role valuable?
As a Senior Client Partner at Whereoware, I see myself as a partner through every stage of the client’s journey from ideas to outcomes. It is my number one priority, whether I am working externally or with clients, to ensure Whereoware delivers value, and that our strategies and solutions are helping our clients overcome challenges and grow their businesses. My ability to develop strong relationships with clients, and to assist them in any way I can, is a result of a constant learning of their businesses. Then, internally, I serve as Whereoware's client advocate, making sure our team is set up for success. In addition, I manage my clients' contracts and billing too.
What is it that you enjoy most as a Client Partner?
What brings me great joy is experiencing the continued success and growth of my clients. However, the relationships I’ve built with my clients are a close second.
As I approach my 5-year anniversary with Whereoware, I have maintained multiple clients with whom I have worked with since day one. When I step back, I think how cool it is to see and be a part of my clients' transformations over the last 5 years and pat myself on the back knowing that I have played a role in their success.
Tell us about your most rewarding client experience?
Humbly speaking it is very difficult to choose, but if I must– a very proud moment of mine was the announcement of Cuisinart’s immense sales growth following the 2021 holiday season. Considered as Cuisinart's "super bowl," our team of strategists, email marketers, web & ecommerce experts worked round the clock from October to January to create a successful holiday promotional campaign. Then to see the campaign’s results skyrocket was a great feeling.
What is the greatest client challenge you've experienced and how did you overcome it?
I find the greatest client challenges are almost always directly tied to struggles with digital transformation. It could be the business’ lack of a strategy, limitations or resistance to critical digital technologies, budget constraints, or a combination. Markets and customer expectations are constantly changing, too.
There’s no real silver bullet, but what I do know is that sound strategy and planning, supported by data and metrics, can help move clients the right direction. Employing experimentation provides a competitive advantage, and constant measurement will demonstrate ROI to help secure further investment.

Is there an innovative piece of technology that you or your clients simply cannot do business without?
One piece of technology that’s a must-have for clients is a well-implemented Digital Experience Platform (DXP). It is impossible to succeed in the digital age if you cannot deliver compelling and personalized digital experiences. That's where we come in.
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